Are you looking for more information? Reach out to Paul, and he'll get right back to you!
Taille (cm) | Contact Longueur (cm) |
Côté Couper (m) |
Nez / Queue Largeur (cm) |
Taille Largeur (cm) |
Position Min-Max / Recul |
Position Min-Max / Recul (cm) |
Fléchir 10 = Ferme |
Poids Gamme (Kg) |
Poids Gamme (kg) |
139 | 102 | 7 | 27 / 27 | 23.1 | 17,5"-22,5" / 0,5" | 44,5 - 57,2 / 1,3cm | 4 | 60-120 | 25-60kg |
143 | 105 | 7 | 27,6 / 27,6 | 23,5 | 18,5"-23,5" / 0,5" | 47 - 59,7 / 1,3 cm | 4 | 65-130 | 30-65kg |
147 | 108 | 7 | 28,1 / 28,1 | 23,8 | 18,5"-23,5" / 0,5" | 47 - 59,7 / 1,3cm | 4 | 70-160 | 30-70kg |
151 | 112 | 7 | 28,6 / 28,6 | 24 | 18,5"-23,5" / 0,5" | 47 - 59,7 / 1,3 cm | 4 | 75-180 | 30-75k |
Are you looking for more information? Reach out to Paul, and he'll get right back to you!